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Rules For Creating or Opening Online News Portal - Episode 02


Creating or Opening Online News Portal অনলাইন নিউজ পোর্টাল কি;

In the last episode, we discussed the creation of the online news portal Episode-01. In this article, we will discuss the rules of opening an online news portal in episode 02.

👉 Read more - Rules for creating online news portals - Episode 01

At the beginning of the article, we will discuss how to collect news for news portals. Then we will discuss how to write posts on news portals, how to make money from news portals, news portal registration issues, how to bring visitors to news portals, etc.

👉How to collect news for news portal

One question that may come to our mind before creating a news portal is how we will collect news for the news portal. At present, there is no obligation to have district representatives collect news. If you want to work on a large scale then you may need a representative.

Moreover, no camera is required to collect news. No representative is required. You can manage the entire site alone.

There are many sites on Google where there is a collection of websites of major news portals of the country and all national dailies. News can be easily collected from various websites and news portals through these sites.

👉How to write a post on a news portal

Collected news for news portal Now how to publish this news in your news portal?

First, read the collected news well two-three times. Then go to Google Docs and write the news in your own language. Write the news in such a way that it feels like you are talking to your readers. Then edit the post well. Of course, write the news in an SEO-friendly way.

Note that writing in Google Docs is much easier than in Microsoft Word. Because there is an option of typing voice in Google Docs. With the help of this, you can easily write in Bengali with the help of voice control. If you don't know how to do voice typing in Google Docs, then quickly watch a video tutorial from YouTube.

When you have finished writing the post, copy the post from Google Docs. Then go to Blogger or WordPress Dashboard and publish the post from the New Post option.

Complete the necessary tasks on Blogger or WordPress dashboard before publishing the post. Also, make the post-on-page SEO on Blogger and WordPress dashboard. If you don't know about this, you can watch video tutorials from YouTube and learn how to publish from Blogger or WordPress dashboard.

Tips - Do not copy any post yet.

👉How to collect pictures for news portal posts

 The post for the news portal now needs a picture. Each post needs a consistent picture. Since you don't have a camera or you can't take pictures directly from the present, you also need to collect pictures like post.

Do not collect photos from where you posted. Because in this you can read under copyright. To collect pictures, first search on Facebook with the headline of the news. From there you will get even a picture for the news. Be sure to collect pictures posted by different people.


Download the image and watermark the name of your news portal on the image with any photo editing software. So that the picture is yours. Now you can publish the post by attaching the picture to your post.

👉How to make money from news portals

There are many ways to earn money from news portals. The most popular way to earn money from news portals is Google Adsense. Google Adsense is an advertisement displayed by Google. When the ads are displayed on your website, you can earn a certain amount from Google in return.

To make money from AdSense, you need to apply to Google AdSense with the URL of your website. You must comply with Google's privacy policy. If all goes well, Google will approve your website. You will then be able to display AdSense ads on your website

There are many video tutorials on YouTube on how to add Google AdSense to the website and there are also many articles on Google. If you watch those tutorials, you will get a clear idea about Google Adsense.

Another way to earn money through news portals is direct advertising. Different news websites sell different widgets of their websites to advertisers. The advertiser advertises his company in that particular place. In this way, the publisher of the news portal gets a certain amount of money. In order to earn in this way, the news portal must have good quality visitors.

Another popular method of earning money through news portals is affiliate marketing. By reviewing various products or by promoting products, a certain amount of commission can be earned from affiliate marketing.

Watch the video tutorials and articles related to affiliate marketing on YouTube and Google for details.

👉How to bring visitors to the news portal

The most popular way to attract visitors to a news website is through social media. A lot of visitors can be brought by sharing the news on the news portal on Facebook or by posting on Twitter and Instagram. Boost on Facebook increases the chances of visitors.

But if most of the visitors to the news portal come from social media, then Google AdSense may have its limitations. So be careful about this.

In order to attract visitors from Google, the news portal needs to be well SEOed. In order to retain visitors, quality content has to be created. Plagiarism has to be avoided.

👉Rules for registration of online news portals

If you work on a small scale, you can start working without registration in the initial stage. After reaching a certain stage, you have to register. Earlier, you did not have to register for news portals.

But due to the increase in counter-journalism, the government has introduced registration rules to make all news portals accountable. You apply for registration only when you start earning from the news portal. It will be helpful for you to work on a large scale.

👉You need to meet certain conditions to register a news portal. E.g.

1. News portals must have a trade license

2. There should be an office in the name of the news portal.

3. Must have a bank account in the name of the news portal.

4. News portals must have the necessary manpower.

Then you have to go to the website of the Ministry of Information and apply for registration.

To know more about the rules of the news portal visit-

Rules for creating an online news portal Part 02, I am ending here. Hopefully, through these two episodes, you have got a detailed idea about how to create an online news portal. Thanks for reading our article. Any mistakes in the article will be forgiven. If you know anything about it, you can comment in the comment box. Visit our site to get various educational articles.

👉Read more - Rules for creating online news portals - Episode 01

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