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Three Hundred Crore Takas Transaction in Half an Hour (DSE)


Shares and unit prices of most companies rose on Sunday, the first working day of the week, but the picture changed in less than half an hour.

After the first 20 minutes of trading, one company after another entered the fall list from the price increase list. As a result, all price indices have turned negative in the first half-hour of trading. However, the transaction speed is in a good position.

The Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) had a turnover of around Tk 300 crore in the first half-hour. In contrast, the main price index decreased by 19 points.

Though the index of Dhaka Stock Exchange turned negative, the index of the other stock market Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) is up in the first half-hour of trading. However, most of the companies are on the price reduction list.

Like the last few working days, the trading started today with the increase in the share and unit prices of almost all the companies. As a result, DSEX, the main index of DSE, increased by 11 points from the start of trading.

In the first 10 minutes, the formula increased by 13 points as the price trend of most companies continued. And 20 minutes increase the transaction by 10 points.

However, after the first 20 minutes of trading, the share prices of several companies began to fall. Over time, prices have fallen sharply.

As of the writing of this report, the DSEX, the main index of DSE, has declined by 19 points in 10:30 minutes of trading. Among the other two indices, DSE Shariah has declined by 5 points. And the DSE-30 index decreased by 5 points.

So far, the shares and unit prices of 104 companies that have traded on the DSE have been listed. On the other hand, the price of 163 has come down. And the price of 56 remains unchanged. The transaction was 290 crore 86 takas.

On the other hand, the overall index CASPI of the Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) has increased by 8 points. 6 crores 91 lakh takas has been transacted. Of the 115 companies that took part in the transaction, 43 rose, 57 declined and 15 remained unchanged.

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