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Rules for Creating or Opening Online News Portal - Episode 01



👉 Read more - Rules for creating online news portals - Episode 02

Newspapers are called the mirror of society. The present age is the age of digital technology. People don't sit for newspapers like they used to. In different ways, the news of the day is reaching people. Similarly, an online news portal is also a medium.

Compared to other sites, the online news portal has the highest number of visitors. It is possible to earn a good amount per month from an online news portal. Many of us want to create online news portals.

But in the absence of proper guidelines, this issue seems very complicated to us. If you want to create an online news portal and get a complete idea about it, then you have come to the right place.

At a glance the subject of the article-

1. What is an online news portal?

2. What is needed to create an online news portal?

3. Name and tag line of online news portal

1.What is an online news portal?

An online news portal is an online version of a newspaper. In other words, if the news is published on a website on the Internet, that website will be an online news portal.

Online news portals are very popular in Bangladesh due to fast news dissemination. Every day we see news of different online news portals on Facebook or various social media. At present, the number of online news portals in Bangladesh is about 10 thousand.

2.What is needed to create an online news portal?


To create an online news portal, you first need a domain. Now many people may wonder what is a domain? Simply put, a domain is basically the name of a website. For example, www.google.com, www.youtube.com etc. Here, .com is basically a domain.

Currently, the most popular domain is the .com domain. You have to spend around Tk. 500 to buy a .com domain. You have to renew the domain after one year of buying the domain. Then it costs about 900 Takas.


Domain Next, the important thing is hosting. Hosting is the specific place on the Internet where you will place your domain. Simply put - you want to create a business. The name is ready for the business organization now needs a specific place to start the organization. This is basically hosting.

Hosting is very important for news portals because good quality hosting is needed to handle the huge number of visitors to the news portal. There are various foreign hosting providers from whom good quality hosting can be taken.

Buying 2GB or 5GB hosting can cost from Tk 1,200 to Rs 2,000. If you open a new news portal, you can start with 2GB or 5GB. At present, hosting providers have an offer of 2GB. .com domain is given for free. SSL certificate is also given for free. The price of this offer is 999 Takas.

3.Name and tag line of online news portal

Creating a news portal first requires a unique name. If you have already chosen a beautiful name, you can buy a domain with that name and create a news portal.

We have collected some names and given the list of names below. If the domain of these names is empty, you can create your daily or monthly, or weekly news portal with anyone's name.

When creating a regional news portal, you can create a unique name by associating it with the names of your district-Upazila or union.

Examples of online news portal names-

Daily News Paper, Sangbad Jagat, Sangbad Darpan, Kalantar, Navajug, Nab Kal, Kal Kotha, Kalkathan, Nabbangla, Navdesh, Nabprabhat, Yugbahak, Yuger Kotha, Bangla Darpan, Desh Bangla, Bangla Bani, BD Times, Bangla Times, Uttarpurba, News every day, message of the age, news time.

Tips -
Try creating a new name daily / weekly or a few names with the names above.

Tag line-

The tag line is the slogan of the news portal. Below are some tag lines-
We are uncompromising in spreading the truth, dedicated to publishing accurate information, first of all the news, with the people over time, always awake on the path of truth.


Try to create your own creative tag line with ideas from the above tag lines.
Note that the names and tag lines above are collected from the Internet.

Hosting Options-

There are two popular ways to create a website. The first method is through WordPress and the second method is through Blogger. These methods are called CMS.

If you want to create a website through WordPress, then only domain-hosting is required. Currently, 80% of the world's websites are created through WordPress. However, there are some additional benefits of creating a website in WordPress.

Again, to create a website through Blogger, only a domain is required. In this case, hosting is not required. Because Blogger is a product of Google. In this case, the hosting is provided by Google. The cost of creating a website on Blogger is relatively low.

Interesting theme-

After domain hosting is the important thing. The theme is basically the external structure of the website. In other words, the design of the website that we see is basically the theme. Themes are again of two types. For example, free theme and paid theme. There are two types of themes for WordPress and Blogger.

With the help of different worlds in WordPress, it is very easy to create a news portal. However, if you want to create a news portal with a beautiful and attractive design, you have to use paid themes. Various IT companies sell these themes. E.g. Themes Bazaar. Moreover, the theme can be designed through different IT companies or with the developer. In this case, it can cost around 5 to 15 thousand takas.


The identity of an organization is the logo of that organization. We can easily recognize this organization whenever we see the logo of an organization. A logo is essential for creating a news portal. You can design a logo by designing it yourself or with a designer. There may be costs.

How much does it cost to build an online news website?

Hopefully, from the above information, you have got an idea of ​​how much it can cost to create an online news portal. That means if you create a news portal in WordPress, the cost will be more and if you create a news website in Blogger CMS, you can create it in 1000 takas.

Creating a news website in WordPress costs from Tk 2,000 to Tk 50,000.

Reading the second article to know more about how to write a post on a news portal, where to collect posts from, and the need to register for a news portal.


Forgive all the mistakes in the article. Hope you like the article. If you have any comments you can let us know in the comment box.

👉 Read more - Rules for creating online news portals - Episode 02

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